Gmorrison Poetic Scene

                                                               The Zen Master
Mr. Love Poet
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My Poetry - Part 7


Mankinds introspective have produced shortcomings.
Mistakes are the order of past generations.
Return to God’s true farsightedness.

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You’re covering over past ills.
Unfinished issues of your put on hold.
You interrogate your spiritual rightness.

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Everyday comes with its own challenges.
People are eager to get to this point or that point.
Consequences really do not matter so much anymore.
In the process mental and spiritual powers are really loss.
What does become the strength of the day is brute force.
Again mankind has put itself back into avenue of harms way.
Stop my children and listen to your heart for I am calling you.
Open your spiritual minds and allow me to uplift your person.
The pathway to life becomes ever so narrow as time ticks by.
Spiritual awareness is the ultimate key for the continuation of life.
Yes children my promise made long ago is forthcoming soon.
My son even walked among fathers and mothers of past.
To insure that all my glory would be set and life would continue.
Have faith and stand strong for I will light your pathway to life.

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Oh my dear beautiful flowers world wide.
I the Zen Master have observed all from up-close.
It is like coming into my waking state just to smell you.
The essence of God’s sun gives power to display your glory.
In my meditative state I feel your sweet soft touch reaching.
You’re always pondering for trueness of love entering forever.
Dreams of your become the focal point as I have partake for real.
Your moments in being close and enjoying the essence of womanhood.
Most would not understand for their minds are not in my state of being.
Universal love is not like common love for I feel the depth of your soul.
The way you look, react, blush, or even make the attempt to hide tells a story.
Yes my beautiful flowers I’d see all your emotions and acknowledge you daily.
God created you with every intention to beautify the place that brings him joy.
Love to your Maker is a unique gift that most have taken as a toy thing.
My quest for all flowers is to display the universallove as God meant it to be.
Flowers bask in God’s glory and remember I the Zen Master of Love should be too.

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Beauty is the ultimate quest.
God created a masterpiece for all eyes.
His glory shines forever more.

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I the Zen Master in my state of quietness saw her.
Yes just a fading picture of a pretty flower of delight.
My spirit of love reached back for those last glimpses.
Your smile displayed the trueness of a real sweet woman.
Your eyes looked right in the camera as to say: SEE ME!!
I have to say this is the joy I wished men could see daily.
The radiance of a woman set like a beautiful flawless diamond.
Continue my sweet one for I enjoyed the spirit of your womanhood.

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Gmorrison Poetic Scene